Modern Warfare 2 - Tips Tricks and Tactics

A Modern Warfare two tips tricks and tactics. I talk about things such as maps, guns and much more guide to help you improve your game.

MW2: Perks - Commando

Posted by Diagonalspoon On 14:40 0 Comments

Commando is a very fun and enjoyable perk to use at all times. Ive talked about knifing classes before and that they can be a change from the regular guns and grenades. If you are wanting to try a knifing class I would suggest to use commando as it makes you lunge so much further. Also it tends to annoy the other team! When trying to use a knifing class just remember to get as close to the enemy as possible without them seeing you. If you run straight at them they will just shoot you there and then. But if you go around through doors and windows they will find it hard to keep track of them until you can lunge to kill. If you do find yourself running at an enemy just toss a stun or flash this should give you enough time to take them out. Knife classes are really fun and can also sometimes get you a very high killstreak. Check out the quick video I made below to show the difference commando makes and also highlights from the first game I played with it!

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