Modern Warfare 2 - Tips Tricks and Tactics

A Modern Warfare two tips tricks and tactics. I talk about things such as maps, guns and much more guide to help you improve your game.

Armour Piercing

Posted by Diagonalspoon On 11:11 0 Comments

Armour Piercing, The very last spec ops mission (unless they bring out more?) This could possibly be the hardest one. Thats why im here to help you. First thing your gonna want to do is go and grab a partner to play with. Then once you have started the mission you want the grab a Barrett and have your partner grab an intervention and a LMG. You could do this the other way around its up to you. They you want to make your way to they very top to the helipad. On the way you may encounter about 3 juggernauts just aim for the chest and keep shooting them with the Barrett while you friend empties there mag into him too. Once you are at the top you can set a claymore at the door that is there but you want the person with the Barrett to lay down so they can see into the door and down the small hallway and your partner to lay just in-front of the door. (Check the video below for any help). Now just wait and the juggernauts will soon come. If you keep a cool head and reload after each one you should have the mission done in about 7 or 8 minutes. Then you can bask in all your glory as you have received your 3 stars.

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