Modern Warfare 2 - Tips Tricks and Tactics

A Modern Warfare two tips tricks and tactics. I talk about things such as maps, guns and much more guide to help you improve your game.

MW2: Claymores - Use them wisely

Posted by Diagonalspoon On 12:30 0 Comments

Claymores are a very widely used piece of equipment on modern warfare 2 and they where hugely used on COD4. There is a very good reason for this, it keeps you safe and lets you concentrate on less entrances or it simply is there to protect an objective. I love the claymore but I see many people planting it in a stupid way. This then makes the claymore only a alarm for the user it does not kill the enemy as the enemy can run straight past the claymore. My newest video shows that by angling your claymore slightly away from the door the enemy will run into the blast of the claymore rather that run out of it. You have to remember that the red lines are the trigger points and you dont ever want one of these sticking through a wall as you are then wasting valuable protection. Please take a look at my video. I did it last night with the help of my friend Pottige.

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